Your Want, Our Dilemma and Planet’s Plight…Then We Might Left! With No Any Choice

Constantly Making Choices Against Our Planet,

..You got a beautiful mind for that, but you need to stop yourself right now! Yeah.. then only we’re with our wants.

Earth provide enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.

~~ M. K. Gandhi

It’s a crunch time for you to do your part for Our planet.

As citizens of the world, we have a duty to share that knowledge, and to alert the public to the unnecessary risks that we live with everyday, how human activities and technologies are affecting climate systems in ways that may forever change life on earth🌎

Imagine If Trees Gave Off WiFi Signals, We Would Be Planting So Many Trees And We’d Probably Save The Planet Too

Why It Is Too Bad? They Only Produce The Oxygn We Breathe.
lesfaitopedia: image credit, pixabay

Planting more trees, maintain healthy soils and humidity in the air around the surroundings. Trees regulate the water cycle, absorbs harmful air and transpire it back into the atmosphere, effectively filtering and controlling the levels of air pollution index wherever they present.

Trees provide shelter to millions of species of plants and animals. They are necessary to the environment, to recycle water and regulate levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

Around 30% of our planet is covered in trees. According to one estimate, if we planted 1.2 trillion trees, we’d cancel out a decade’s worth of CO2 emissions by the time the forests mature.

How does plastic harm the environment facts?

Only about 9% of this plastic has been recycled, 12% has been burned and the remaining 79% has ended up in landfills or the environment.

According to the United Nations, ingestion of plastic kills an estimated 1 million marine birds and 100,000 marine animals each year.

How plastic pollution affects the world?

About 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been produced since the 1950s

Thousands of seabirds and sea turtles, seals and other marine mammals are killed each year after ingesting plastic or getting entangled in it. Plastics pollution has a direct and deadly effect on wildlife.

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